5 Benefits for Hiring vs Buying

To hire or buy? This is a question that most tradies and home DIYers end up wrestling with at some stage – often just before the next job is due to start!

For a lot of trade work or DIY projects, hiring tools and equipment can be a smart choice. When you hire, you don’t have to find the space to store equipment, spend time and money maintaining it, or fork out a load of money to replace obsolete models with the latest on the market.


At Balloo Hire, all these things are taken care of behind the scenes. Some of our biggest customers in the construction and landscaping industries don’t own their own tools, plant or equipment…They hire them! Why not follow their lead? We have created the top 5 benefits to hiring over buying:


#1 The Latest Tools

We have the latest tools from the best brands in stock. We heavily invest in our products to ensure reliability, highest quality and efficiency, helping you to get the job done on time and in budget.

#2 Flexible Hire

With hire, you can use when needed. You aren’t tied down to purchase agreements or loans. During peak seasons and busy times the tools you need can be collected from a local depot or delivered anywhere across NI.

#3 Maintenance Control

Our experts look after a fleet of over 11,000 plant, tools and equipment, by hiring equipment you don’t need to worry about maintenance costs. Some maintenance equipment can be very expensive, cleaning costs and upkeep costs can skyrocket, but when you hire you don’t need to worry about this.

#4 Cost-Effective to Hire

There is a large upfront cost of buying equipment over hiring them. Some can cost thousands of pounds and only get used once. Hiring eliminates this large cost. Only pay when you hire, keeping your costs down!

#5 End of Life Sale

When hiring equipment or tools, you never need to worry about selling them when they reach their end of life / end of use.  Some of our products typically get auctioned or sold after 3 or 4 years  and replaced with the newest versions.

Check out our full range of hire equipment here or talk to our experts on Live Chat now! 



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